I had decided to give up on my blog for a couple of reasons. First, I had the excuse of no time. With my full time volunteer role as PTA president this year, blogging is not a high priority. Second, I started to worry that people might not really want to hear and see everything that goes on with my family. I kept asking myself what the purpose was for having a blog. I was talking to my sister about this dilemma the other day and she mentioned that some people use blogs as their journals. Then she mentioned that you could actually publish your blog in a book. Journaling is something that I feel like I need to do more of. So, I have decided to start blogging again so that I can eventually publish it into a book for posterity. My main goal for this blog is to record the events and experiences relating to my kids. It is amazing how much I forget already. I would like them to know a little about their childhood. So, here is an update.
10 1/2 years old
played football this fall (no injuries thankfully)
5th grade
still loving video games
accidentally wore his sister's pants to school (there were hearts on the pockets too!)
an expert at teasing his sisters
growing up too fast! :)
7 1/2 years old
doing gymnastics
loves anything crafty (takes after her mom)
2nd grade
very emotional and does not like being teased
into American girl dolls
growing up too fast! :)
3 1/2 (almost 4)
going to pre-school (2 in fact!)
very artistic and smart
loves, loves, loves to color (unfortunately on everything)
loves to sing
loves to dance
a little shy with others
loves crafts like Mia
wants to be like Mia
growing up too fast! :)
Glad you're back!
Karen, I can't believe that anyone reads this anymore. You need to tell me how to get notifications when someone posts on their blog.
Hi Kim, I'm glad you're back too. On your blogger.com dashboard, there's a tab called "blogs I'm following". Under that area is a button to add. Just fill in the URL's of the blogs you want to keep posted on. Private ones, like mine, don't get updated. That's why when I post, I send a group email to my readers giving them the link.
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