Friday, August 17, 2007

August 12-18, 2007

This week has been a blur as usual. Ella learned to go down the stairs finally. She has been having a great time going down to the play room. Riley and Mia started soccer this week. We are going to be really busy for the next couple of months. It is Mia's first time playing soccer. I am not sure that she is cut out for it. We'll see. When Riley first started soccer (he was 4 years old) he ended up laying down on the field and picking flowers when he started playing. Riley is on the team with some of his friends from school, so he is excited. Mia finally caught her spider named "Charloppe" (after Charlotte's Web). She quickly lost interest and it died the same day. Mia and I were talking while I was making a scrapbook page and she was making something with her stamps. I told her that I am excited for her to grow up a little and that we are going to be best friends. She said, "mom, I love you so much." I told her that I love her so much and she said, " I love you so much more." I do feel like we have a lot in common. I am so happy I have my little Mia. We found out who Riley and Mia's teachers will be. I have heard good things about both of them. I am starting to feel a little anxious about them being gone at school all day. They drive me crazy most of the time, but I still want to be with them. I guess that is what being a mother is all about. Ryan and I had our 10 year anniversary this week. We are going to celebrate next weekend. We are going to leave the kids overnight for the first time. I am a little nervous, but I think it will be good for all of us. Ella is learning social skills this week. She and her little friend Austin are so cute together. They fight over toys and hit each other. Today, Austin scratched and pulled out some of her hair. The weekend is here and it will be filled with soccer games, going to visit grandma in Ogden, a bridal shower and church.


Karen E. said...

Sounds like you guys had a busy week. I would have expected Mia to pick flowers on the soccer field, but Riley?!

Karen E. said...

Did you change the picture? Mia looks a little bored . . .