Friday, August 31, 2007

School Rules

This week as Mia has told me about some of the rules that she has at school. First I got the boring ones like, raise your hand etc. Then today she said, " Mom, did you know that there is a no kissing rule at my school?" This will be a difficult one for Mia as she already has mentioned that she thinks a boy at her table is "handsome" (her exact words) and he hits her on the back (at the age of 5, that is a sure sign that he likes her). Mia also mentioned to me that she does not like her name. This made me sad, because I love it and I chose it. She said, "why didn't you just name me princess?" This is what Ryan calls her.

Tomorrow is the first BYU football game. Ryan's whole outlook on life changes this time of year. Mia is going to the game tomorrow with Ryan. She has been practicing her cheers. This morning she came down and wanted me to turn on some football for her to practice cheering. Tonight, Ella was looking at a BYU postcard with a cougar on it and the kids are sure she was saying "cougar." We start them young around here.

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